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How Do Panel Furniture Enterprises Implement Batch Size Manufacturing and Build Smart Factory?In the furniture equipment exhibition heldin Hannover,Germany recently, you can see more intelligent equipment, it can beseen that intelligent manufacture and information production have become globaltrend gradually. EXCITECH also joined the event with the total solution ofsmart factory, showing intelligent and informatization changes of Chinesemanufacturing for the world woodworking industry. Excitech customized furniture industry 4.0smart factory is a set of whole factory intelligent manufacturing solutions. Accordingto the area, processing technology and production capacity of the customer's factory,we can carry out reasonable industrial 4.0 plant planning and informationupgrading of the whole factory, to realize "non-landing panel"production. With many successful implementations andlots of practical experience, EXCITECH has and will continue to providecustomers with intelligent solutions that meet market needs. The significance of Excitech Smart factoryis not limited to reducing the number of workers and enhancing the corporateimage, enterprises can operate multiple shifts of production every day, toincrease the return on investment.